What is a React-based DApp, and the technical stack you may need to develop it

What is a React-based DApp, and the technical stack you may need to develop it

Date added: February 15th, 2023

Blockchain technology has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is predicted that the number of DApps will grow rapidly due to their potential to transform industries and create new business models. The main advantage of decentralized applications is that they are built on top of blockchain infrastructure and use smart contracts as their core. These elements provide transparency, security, and reliability. That is why to make a Dapp in React will be an excellent idea for a business of any size.

What is DApp in React?

DApp stands for decentralized application, a web application that works on the blockchain. It can be accessed from a browser or a smartphone. React DApp is created by developers using blockchain technology to create their own applications instead of centralized servers. DApps can be used by anyone with an internet connection and do not require special permissions or accounts to access them; they are global and accessible to everyone worldwide at any given time.

The most common use for DApps is to create a game or a tool that utilizes blockchain technology. For example, you can create a game where players can earn tokens by playing the game. However, DApps are becoming more common in other spheres these days. 

Why Should You Build a Decentralized Application using React?


Decentralized apps can scale horizontally. You can add nodes to your network, and other app users will use the additional capacity. The more nodes you have, the more users you can serve.

With a traditional application, this would mean that if you had 10,000 users on your site at once and wanted to add another server to handle those requests—you’d need it leased from someone else! In other words, centralized scaling requires dedicated resources to be shared between multiple entities, increasing costs and limiting performance.

In contrast, decentralized apps may run off-chain but still have all their data stored securely on-chain – so there’s no single point of failure; if one node goes down, another takes its place seamlessly (and without downtime).


The cost of creating a decentralized application is quite affordable. It is even cheaper than creating a conventional centralized application. This can be attributed to the fact that no third-party vendors are involved in the development process. Thus, you will not have to pay for infrastructure or middleware services such as data management platforms (DMP), payment processor solutions, or web hosting services.

The cost of maintaining a decentralized application is also much lower than maintaining other types of applications. You will not have to spend extra money on hiring more staff members or buying new hardware since your system requires fewer resources than traditional systems like those used by banks and financial institutions.


Security is an essential aspect of every application. Most web applications use a centralized server to store data and provide services. This means there is always a single point of failure that could bring down an entire system if attacked or damaged by some other means.

With decentralized applications, no central servers, databases, or web servers exist. Instead of relying on one central location for your data storage and other backend services, you can spread the functionality across any number of nodes in the network (which can be anywhere from two to thousands). You also have more control over who has access to what parts of your application because there aren’t any limits imposed by centralized systems like Amazon Web Services (AWS).


A decentralized application (DApp) uses a blockchain to store the data instead of storing it on a central server. This makes transactions faster as they don’t need an intermediary to confirm them before they’re recorded on the ledger. However, all this depends on how many nodes there are in any given network—if there’s only one node, then it would be slower than using a centralized system! But if there were hundreds or thousands of nodes, then DApps would be much faster because each transaction wouldn’t need approval from one person but could instead be checked by many different people at once without slowing down performance.

Tech Stack for Making a DApp in React 

Solidity smart contracts

Solidity is a contract-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts. C++, Python, and JavaScript influenced it. Solidity is statically typed and supports inheritance, libraries, and complex user-defined types. Functions can be local or global, and variable modifiers indicate whether they are constant (immutable), Noether (“not giving away Ether”), or address payable (“payable to someone”). A key feature of Solidity is its support for natural programming language constructs such as loops; statements like if/else/while/for; function calls; structs (which aggregate other structures), and enums (used in place of fixed values). 


Web3.js is a JavaScript library that gives you an opportunity to interact with the blockchain. It also allows you to create and manage your own Ethereum accounts, sign transactions and send them to the blockchain, and much more.


Truffle is a development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline for Ethereum.

It helps you develop smart contracts faster with a suite of tools and libraries. Truffle can be used with any Ethereum clients, such as Geth or Parity, but it does not include a wallet. To use your own wallet’s balance for testing purposes, create an account on an Ethereum testnet such as Ropsten or Rinkeby (both of which are hosted by Infura).


Create-React-App is a command line interface (CLI) that sets up React and related tools in one command. This is a good starting point for building a React app, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the full stack of technologies in creating web applications.

Create-React-App is part of an ecosystem called Create-React-Class (CRC). CRC provides a framework for building reusable components that can be shared between projects and teams. The CLI creates all the necessary boilerplate code to set up your project with any additional packages or dependencies specified in its configuration file. It also includes scripts to build, run tests, lint source code, and more!


MetaMask is a bridge that allows you to visit the distributed web of tomorrow in your browser today. It allows you to run Ethereum DApps in your browser without running a full Ethereum node.

This provides a user interface for managing your identity on the web and storing credentials off-chain. The extension injects an iframe into every website you visit, allowing sites to call into MetaMask’s API from their own pages while keeping users’ information secure. MetaMask also supports features like creating and interacting with contracts, using digital assets, or taking payments directly from a website by sending ether—all without requiring specialized knowledge of the underlying blockchain technology!

How Much Does it Cost to Make a React DApp?

The answer to that issue depends on what type of React DApp template you want to build.

For example, if you want to build a simple game like CryptoKitties, it will cost about $1,500 for the entire project. But if you want to build something more complex like Augur or Dfinity, decentralized prediction markets built on Ethereum, you’ll need more resources and a workforce.

According to a study by DApp Builder, the average cost of developing DApps is $10,000. Considering the number of developers required for making a DApp in React, that figure can quickly go up to $100,000 or even more, depending on the project’s complexity.


Thereby, have you already thought about building your own DApp React for your business? Well, there are a few things you should be aware of before you get started. In this article, we walked you through a step-by-step guide on how to create a DApp with React, gave you answers to why you should create one, and how much it will cost to make it. Good luck!

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